Volunteers’ Week runs from June 1 to June 7 every year and is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering; with this year’s tag-line being ‘Time to say Thank-You’.
At The Welcome Organisation volunteers play an integral role in the running of a variety of our services and the work they do is valued very highly and their help complements the work carried out by our staff.
Ian, our Volunteer Development Officer, would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers for their hard work and dedication particularly over the last few months during the Covid-19 crisis.
Between April 2019 and March 2020 individuals gave over 7000 hours of their time to help some of the most vulnerable in society.
That is around 600 hours a month where individuals helped in the kitchen; went out with the Outreach team; visited service users at home as part of the Floating Support team; supported staff at the women-only overnight facility; helped with laundry and assisted in the office with administration and answering calls.
Let’s not forget the staff from a wide range of companies who spent their Employer Supported Volunteering days with us in the past year.
You have all had a real and positive impact on our work to help people affected by homelessness.
Although, volunteer recruitment is currently on-hold, if you would like to contact Ian about volunteering in the future, you can drop him an email ian@homelessbelfast.org or call 07523 250 645.