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Catherine House helps break the cycle of homelessness and provide the women with the skills and confidence to live independently. 


Catherine House is based in South Belfast and provides 24 hour supported living for ten women experiencing homelessness who are ready to take the next steps to live independently. Catherine House is more than just a roof over their heads – it has a therapeutic ethos where trauma informed support is interwoven into daily lives.    


The Welcome Organisation sought permission from the family of Catherine Kenny, a vulnerable woman who died in Belfast in 2016, to name the facility in her memory. 


All the women staying at Catherine House will have been Chronically Homeless i.e., having repeat episodes of homelessness with multiple and complex needs such as addiction, poor physical and mental health and trauma.   


The accommodation is funded in the main via Housing Benefit and the Housing Executives’ Supporting People budget which pays for the staff team made up of nine workers - Manager, Coordinator and Women’s Link worker as well as ten Support Workers.  Two support workers are on shift 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  


Our overall aim is to support the women who stay at Catherine House to move in to their own independent accommodation and reintegrate in to the community  

To achieve this aim Catherine House objectives are to:  


  • Provide a safe and welcoming place to sleep at night.  

  • To provide basic needs i.e. food, warmth, laundry and washing facilities. 

  • To provide the opportunity to link in with other services providing housing related support such as, housing, health and benefits.  

  • The development of the skills and capacity of the members of the homeless community in such a way that they are better able to identify and help meet their needs and to participate more fully in society.



Ending Homelessness Together - The Homelessness Strategy 2022 – 2027 

The service has a clear strategic fit with the NIHE’s commitment to place homelessness at the forefront of service delivery and also to improve services to vulnerable households and individuals.

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Substance Use Strategy 2021 – 2031 

This strategy recognises that there are some groups who are particularly at risk of being negatively impacted using alcohol and/or drugs. These groups may need additional support to access existing services or even require alternative services to address their specific needs. The evidence shows that those most at risk of harm and death because of substance use fall into three specific groups. - Those experiencing homelessness. - People who inject drugs, and - Those in contact with the Justice System.

Supporting People – Three Year Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025.  

Catherine House is aligned with the mission statement of this strategy. “To provide housing support services to people across Northern Ireland, based on demonstrable need. Aiding recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, closing the gap between need and supply, and contributing to the achievement of positive housing outcomes for all”.

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Human Rights and Equality 

The service supports the Strategies equality agenda by providing accessible services for women with chaotic lifestyles for whom ‘traditional’ support models do not work.

​Contact Us

Unit 36, 28 Townsend Street Belfast

BT13 2ES


Connect with us

© 2018 by The Welcome Organisation. 

Registered Charity Number: NIC103976

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